
24 July 2011

weekend inspiration.

From Here
Earlier this week I was out and about doing a bit of window shopping as you do from time to time, and I wandered into the Harbour Gallery at St. Aubins, its an arts and craft gallery/shop for local artists and crafters, and I happened to pick up a couple of jars of fabric dye, one in  the colour of black, and one in the colour  of mustard yellow, and they reminded me of this photo above that I had sitting in my interiors inspiration folder on my computer.  So I thought that I would share it with you.  The yellow adds a nice pop of colour don't your think?

From Here
In this photo I am drawn to the high ceilings and those skinny pendent  lights, hanging from long lengths of lighting wire.  I love hight ceilings and the whole feeling of space, but creating an intimate space at the same time, you can imagine entertaining  around that table with just those over head lights on making it feel cosy, can't you...

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