
30 September 2011

Take one Hot Dog jar...

Candles have been a bit of a theme this week one way or another, inspired by the fact that we kicked off  the week  with power cuts to the Island.   Monday evening  found us  scrambling around the house in the dark lighting  candles, fortunately I have more than a few dotted around the house, (I stocked up on my last visit to IKEA) and while looking for containers to use as candle holders, a tall hot dog jar came in very useful.

Photography and Styling Samantha Stansbridge.

As we sat by candle light  around the table, I tied a piece of ribbon  around the top (as one  does at times like these) and thought that this would make a simple little project.  As I  still had some mother of pearl discs left from a previous project,  I just added a few to the ribbon (later on in the week, not actually during the power cut) and there you have it, how to transform a hot dog jar, inspired by  a power cut.

Taken during the power cut.

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