
9 February 2012

Winter Warmer.

Are you feeling the cold where you are?  I know am, even though we don't have snow, the temperature is hovering just above freezing and the wind chill is making it feel a little colder, so  how about some lovely warming soup to warm as all up.  Today's offering comes courtesy  of  IKEA's Livet Hemma blog, a colourful tomato soup, don't you just love that colour combination, makes me feel warmer just looking at it.
If you intend to make the most of the winter snow this weekend why not take a flask of soup with you to keep out the chill.

Tomato soup with lemon creme fraiche (4 people)

10 medium sized tomatoes 
1 large onion 
3 cloves garlic 
olive oil, 
about 6 cups water 
1 liter chicken stock 
fresh thyme, 
a little sugar, 
black pepper and salt

1 can of creme fraiche 
zest and juice of one lemon 
salt and pepper

Click here for instructions and Table ware all from Ikea.

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