
24 January 2014

SPACE: Walk In Wardrobe.

Photography & images Nina Holst 

I love  how Nina from Stylizimoblog has managed to put together this walk-in wardrobe space on a tight budget using a few inexpensive items of furniture, and adding a bit of glam with some finishing touches. (See more here)

I think a walk in wardrobe  is right at the top of my dream list of spaces to have in a home don't you agree? To have all my clothes shoes, boots and bags there at a glance to help with the daily dilemma of what to wear would be a real bonus, and as I pointed out to my Hubby, a real time saver too ( I can't be  the only person who tries  one at least three different tops  with my jeans just to make sure right?) having every thing to hand would make life so much easier. 

Photography Samantha Stansbridge 

If though, a walk in wardrobe is out of the question, then why not  try to create  a bit of a glam space in your bedroom, and nothing says glamours  more than a bit of Chanel does it girls?   I really liked how  the framed poster in Nina's room helped to achieve this, and while flicking through some old magazines, why, low and behold, what should I find but this Coco Noir Ad nestled between the pages, just perfect for my own bit of Glamour in the bedroom, and an inexpensive way of achieving it..


  1. Thank you for sharing, dear Samantha! I´m glad you like my walk in wardrobe.
    A nice little tip you are sharing there about the Chanel poster. A "glam-look" doesn´t have to cost a lot of money - it´s all about being creative!

    Wish you a lovely day!


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