Great previously loved pieces.

I've been having a bit of a clear out at home at the last few days, the warmer weather and sunshine seems to make me want to open up the space at home and let the light in, so its out with the old, but in with a couple of new things.   While posting things online for sale and donating things for charity I couldn't help  taking a look at what other's had on offer, and so this white faux fur rug along with some baskets made their way into our home.
Charity shops, second hand sale sites, and car boot sales can be a great way to furnish a home, even the street sometimes can offer up things, the little set of drawers were actually thrown out on the street and in perfectly good condition, and now at home in my office/craft room. 
The baskets  will make great storage, and I think the cat might have her eye on my little fur rug.  Have you come across any great bargains lately? are you planning a bit of a clear out this weekend? 

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