
16 April 2014

STYLE | Displaying Your Stuff.

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In our home we are very short on inbuilt storage and cupboard space, so a lot of our prize possessions and clutter is on display 24/7, and I'm always arranging and rearranging things trying to make sure that my everyday items and clutter don't end up looking like a pile of junk!

Here are a few of my favourite images from other blogs, and some simple tips on creating a still life out of your loved items whether it be your favourite magazine collection, family photos or your pots of pens. 

  • Low floor units, add height with a large picture or plant, creating a focal point that connects the low unit to the space above, drawing the eye up. 
  • Pile magazines together add a leather strap, and use them as bookends.
  • Introduce plants, they instantly add  colour and life.
  • Work with different heights and odd numbers, items of 3's for example.
  • Cluster and layer items together, slightly overlap pictures propped up on  units.
  • Use different materials, rough, smooth dull shiny 
  • Use frames, trays or boxes to frame items together.
  • Swap things around seasonally or more often if you like.

Just have fun!

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