
31 July 2014

New Finds, Table General Stores

Images from Table General Stores Instagram page

On our recent travels to Guernsey last weekend we  enjoyed a bit of shopping on the cobblestoned streets of St. Peter Port and to my delight  discovered a new home and Interiors store, named Table General Stores.   I just love these kinds of shops, with a mix of rustic and industrial finds, something a little different from the usual, they always make me happy. 

Table General Stores opened its doors back in March of this year (2014) and is run by  Ginny Morgan and Charlotte Barnes, the shop sits  in Guernsey's Commercial Arcade in St. Peter Port, and sells a mix of crafted and   utilitarian products  from all over the world, including Chocolate all the way from the USA by  Rick and Michael Mast, Fog Linen by Yumiko Sekine, as well as locally made goods. (Check out the website for more People Behind the Products info) 

A set of Festoon lights somehow made their  way home with me, now all that has to be done is find a place for them to live! 

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