
4 July 2014

That daily dilemma of what to have for lunch....

I don't know why but I very rarely use avocado, and when I think of them, all that springs to mind is prawn and avocado cocktails very 70's maybe thats why, but I recently received an email  with this lovely recipe for Avocado and roast chicken bruschetta using creamy fleshed, nutty flavoured Hass avocados available over the summer, so while on the hunt for something for lunch the other day  i popped down to my local supermarket and bought some avocados. 

Did you know that  avocados are “the most nutritious of all fruits that are commonly eaten raw” (The Guinness Book of Records)? and  half an avocado counts as one of your 5-a-day,  contain “good oils” (the same oil found in nuts and olive oil). These oils help you feel fuller for longer, and that half a medium avocado (72 grams) has just 137 calories, 50%  fewer than a plain bagel and contain 11 of the 13 known vitamins and minerals.  Plenty of reason for giving it a try wouldn't you say?

Avocado and roast chicken bruschetta

2 Peruvian Hass avocados, halved, pitted and peeled 
 Squeeze of lemon juice 
 4 large slices of bread 
 2-3 handfuls rocket or salad leaves 
- 120g roast chicken, sliced 
 50g sun-dried tomatoes, drained and chopped 
-A few drops of olive oil 
 A few drops of balsamic vinegar 
 Parmesan cheese shavings 

1. Mash the avocados with a fork, adding a squeeze of lemon juice to prevent them from 
2. Toast the bread slices, and spread thickly with the mashed avocado. 
3. Top with rocket or salad leaves, sliced chicken and sun-dried tomatoes. Sprinkle each one 
with a few drops of olive oil and balsamic vinegar, then finish off with Parmesan cheese 

Information photography and styling provided by RED Communications Ltd

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