
6 January 2015

The Hege in France mood Board Challenge

Hello everybody and  welcome to 2015 lets hope its a happy new year!  And to get the year started I'm taking part in a Mood Board Challenge set by bloggers Hege from Hege in France blog, and Efrat from Cafe Veyafe.  The challenge is to create a board that conveys a sense of feeling and I have chosen to to try and create the sensations and feeling you get from taking a winters walk on a cold fresh but sunny day, you know the type where the sun is so up lifting, and the sky so blue, but the air so crisp and clear, that when you breath it in you can feel the cold in your lungs, totally exhilarating, but calming at the same time.  

If you want to take part hop over to Hege's blog where you can find all the info, and check out the stunning gifts you could win if picked, now that's got to be a great way to start the year!  

Photos via pinterest. 


  1. beautifuly done! very fresh and crisp. thanks for taking part!
    Efrat, Cafe Veyafe


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