
23 April 2015

Foot selfies and floor tiles

Arianna's Daily on Facebook7

Foot selfies and floor tiles seem to be the order of the day today.   The foot selfie has been around for a while, but I'm loving the combination  with old floor tiles. Look down and discover a world of visual, as well as practical beauty underfoot.

And if you are rather partial to the beauty of the floor tile, might I suggest checking out the instagram account of  'I have this thing with floors'  its a tile extravaganza!

If you fancy recreating a tiled floor in your own home, then check out for some inspiration, they have a collection of brochures filled with beautiful tiles for all areas of the home. 


  1. Loving the selfies! :) I once attempted to tale a foot selfie in Scotland, after a pretty shoddy attempt I have decided it isn't for me. Who knew tiles could be so cool?! One of the tiled prints is almost similar to a fabric I picked for a footstool from Would love to be a bit more adventurous when it comes to tiles in the kitchen and bathroom.

  2. Love this - a really unique sort of post. I agree; who knew tiles could be so cool!

  3. The floor tiles and foot selfie is really pleasing and calming. It has this impact on me that somehow make me want to own the latest floor tiles and have foot selfie with it. Oh! how I love seeing how the shoes matches the floor tiles well.


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