
4 April 2015

Have you picked up your new B&Q catalogue yet?

Decorating a home and bringing a style together is actually quite a skill, and when you are on a budget, very often your local B&Q/DIY store can be your first point of call to find budget friendly paints wallpaper and products, but being presented with rows and rows of items in packets can be a little uninspirational, particularly if you lack confidence or imagination in creating a cohesive style, and this is way I like the new B&Q catalogue 'Enjoy'

This year B&Q have pulled together a collection which has never been done before by B&Q, called the Neutral Collection, aimed at being a foundation of products  on which customers can layer and create their own style. In the catalogue as well as 'How To' videos on line you will find  ways of decorating with  products and items in new and interesting ways, such as using gabions as office storage,  creating  bespoke shelving, using rope and planks of wood, tapping into the crafting and up-cycling trend, and creating eye catching paint effects on walls. 

From the new Enjoy Catalogue 

The looks are bang on trend with ideas on how to use copper or creating the very trendy Scandinavian/Nordic look for example,  So if you are looking for some DIY inspiration over the Easter break, then why not pop along to your local B&Q,  pick up the new catalog and get creative! 


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    Si no molesta, no veo ningún marcador social como Facebook creo que
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