What I'm Loving right Now.

Healthy Living is what I'm loving right now, over the summer I managed to lose a stone in weight, dropping from 10 and a half to a much trimmer 9 and a half stone, not entirely sure how I did it, but I put it down to two things, being more active and giving up sugar in my tea, I love my tea, but with each cuppa, I had been adding almost 2 teaspoons of sugar, and after adding it up, well let's just say things had to change.  So living a more healthy lifestyle is what I'm loving right now, I'm more conscious of what I'm eating, keeping active, and discovering Chia seed desserts, and shorts in October...

1. Air Tight Seal jars such as the ones from the IKEA hemsmak range, for making and storing homemade healthy sauces.
2. Getting active on the beach
3. Natural-looking Brows, but perfectly shaped, 
4. Chia seeds, the new superfood, buy them in Waitrose 
5. Still wearing my H&M Shorts in October, they are my favourite item of clothing at the moment.

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