
10 February 2016

Making plans, joined the gym and other stuff.

I can't believe it's February already can you? So before another year completely runs away with me, let's talk about some plans I have for the rest of 2016 and this blog.   For the last couple of years, my attention has been on my family due to illness, first my Hubby then my Dad, but I'm glad to say that both are now doing well, and I can hopefully concentrate on this blog a bit more. 

 I want to get back into regular posting on  a weekly basis and get back to what this blog is all about Style, Space and Stuff, so that means interior style as well as fashion and personal  style, and other stuff, covering DIY, food, staying fit and healthy, to name a few,  I've joined the gym this year, so be prepared to see me sporting gym gear, can anyone recommend a really good sports bra for a 40+ gym-goer who's a bit busty? I need industrial strength support!

I also want to get back into photography, (and I use that word photography loosely,)  creating photos lays for fashion  and of course, some styling shots of interiors, so I'm looking for some nice products to style up and photograph!   I have a couple of fashion events that I'm hoping to cover locally coming up soon, which is quite exciting, so stay tuned for more info on that.

Hopefully, by having regular columns to cover, it should make creating posts a be easier, I keep reading on other blogs about having blog schedules  so I thought I would give it a go to help keep me focused.

So that's the plan anyway, let's see if I can stick to it shall we?   

1 comment:

  1. Style Space and stuff is a home and lifestyle blog focusing on fashion interiors food decor and DIY. Aimed a being budget friendly it is all about creating a lifestyle that is kind to your pocket but equally stylish and trendy.


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