
9 April 2016

Can't Beat a Club Sandwich.

Photography and styling Samantha Stansbridge

Let me introduce you to the Style Space and Stuff Club Sandwich, for no particular  reason other than I Missed breakfast this morning because we had to take the cat to the vet, and it's now a rather  slow Saturday, so I'm playing with my food in the kitchen and trying to think of something interesting for lunch.  We have brown seeded bread, bacon, a few leftover salad leaves, some sweet cherry tomatoes, and some rather ripe avocado, sounds like the making of a rather good sandwich.....  What's your perfect club sandwich combination?


  1. Style Space and stuff is a home and lifestyle blog focusing on fashion interiors food decor and DIY. Aimed at being budget friendly it is all about creating a lifestyle that is kind to your pocket but equally stylish and trendy.

  2. we absolutely love your blog and how even your club sandwiches look great!


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