
4 May 2016

How to Help Your Digestion.

If you read by blog on  a regular basis, then you will know that I am a huge fan of IKEA, and the Life at Home section on the Swedish website, I'm always inspired by the styling and simple DIY tips that they post, and today is no exception.  I heard that sitting at a table that has been  nicely set out, even to eat just a simple meal is actually good for your digestion, and it doesn't have to be posh or elaborate, take simple white china, and add a table cloth and napkin, all from IKEA, styled with a DIY napkin ring made from off cuts of leather strapping, that you can buy on Ebay, and finish with a flower. Perfect.

1 comment:

  1. Style Space and stuff is a home and lifestyle blog focusing on fashion interiors food decor and DIY. Aimed at being budget friendly it is all about creating a lifestyle that is kind to your pocket but equally stylish and trendy.


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