
19 May 2020

Ways to lift your mood during LockDown.

Hello everyone, hope you are doing well, how have you been coping in these unsettling times?  I think myself so lucky that we have a garden to sit out in and soak up the sunshine (when we get it) and we live in an area where we can take walks without having to dodge people.!  But even with our outdoor space (particularly when it's raining), I've had days where it has been difficult to lift my low mood, on those kinds of days  I've tried different things to bring a little joy and lift my spirits,  so I thought I would share with you a few things that I have been doing while at home.


1.Online shopping! yes, I did succumb to a bit of online shopping,  a girl needs a little bit of retail therapy especially when all the stores are closed in town,  my wish list on Amazon is a mile long!
I bought a few things to pamper myself, the first item is the Elemis Pro-collagen Cleansing Balm smells amazing and can be used as a face mask while soaking in the bath as well as a cleanser. Perfect for a bit of a pamper and self-care time.
     My hair is currently being saved by L'oreal Elvive Extraordinary oil until I can get a trim at the hairdresser, honestly, I didn't realise how dry my hair has been getting until I started using this. Total hair saver.  And last but not least a Neom Candle entitled Happiness, well how could I not go for one named Happiness, all organic and clean burning.

2. Next flowers, a bunch always lift my spirits when I'm in a bit of a funk, they add a pop of colour to the home and really lift my mood, nothing fancy, just some bought ones from the supermarket, or even some wild hedge flowers and tree blossoms placed in a vase to bring a bit of the outside in.
I also had a look at online flower subscriptions such as Freddies Flowers, I personally love their style and how every delivery comes with a little guide to arranging the flowers, sadly they currently do not deliver to my area, but worth a look, if you are in the UK.

3. I've really missed just popping to a tea room for an afternoon cake and cuppa while in lockdown so yes, I made banana bread, hasn't everyone?
A little therapeutic baking is good for the soul, and while it may not be the same as an outing to the tea rooms, we made do sitting in the garden with our tea and cake. It's also great for entertaining the kids for a while too.  (I was sure to do a few sessions with Joe Wicks on YouTube to balance things out though)

4. Speaking of Joe Wicks, yes I have been doing my fair share of YouTube exercisers, this is a sure way to lift the mood, I always feel so much better after doing some form of exercise, either a walk around where we live or a workout in the lounge.  You can pretty much find a work out for all levels
on YouTube, something for everyone so no excuse!

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