
2 December 2011

Work/office space.

Well my interior design course that I have been taking is drawing to a close, and I have until next Wednesday evening to finish pulling my sample boards and class presentation together, and if this course has taught me anything, it is that a well organised work space is key to a well organised and productive out come.
Not having space to be able to work on my boards has been a real head ache for me, you will not believe how creating a couple of interior design schemes can take over your life, and as I'm not the most organised person in the world, its meant many an evening with the living room floor covered in magazine clippings, catalogs, brochures, and boards, even my tutor pushes two tables together when she see's me heading into class! . 
So I have been taking a look around the Blogsphere and on Pinterest to see if I can spot some lovely working spaces to be envious of, and while I'm at it, I have put together a list of tips for the home office and productive working that I wish I had put into action before staring my course...we live and learn folks...

Bodie and Fou
  • Try to keep your work space away from other distractions such the TV. family, pets.etc
  • If you can, get a nice long table/desk such as trellis table, I love the Ikea ones, practical and good looking too.
  • Allow plenty of space for various jobs such as cutting and gluing.
  • Have your tools close to hand so that you are not continually looking for things.
  • Have adequate storage, for all that you need.
  • Good lighting, natural is best but for the evening use good over head and task lighting.

Blog Stylizimo
  • Take regular breaks, you will probably function better thenburning the midnight oil and trying to get something done all at once.
  • A tidy space is a tidy mind, therefore more productive.
  • Are you sitting comfortably, get a well supportive seat.
  • Treat your self with something nice, personally I find burning a scented candle helps keep me calm when up against the dead line!

Well I hope you enjoyed those few tips one being organised, now I'm just off to burn some candles and take a few deep breaths before I head back to my story/sample boards...

1 comment:

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