
4 January 2012

I finally painted that dresser!

Hello, how are you all after the Holidays, slowly getting back to normal? yes me too, that feeling of not knowing what day it is or wondering which shops are open to get that emergency pint of milk from, has past and guess what, we are at the starting point of a brand new year again! Has your new year got off to a good start, are you planning anything new?

After a little holiday house sitting for friends I finally got that dresser painted! yeah! and I have to say I'm more than pleased with my pot of Annie Sloan paint and clear wax that I used to paint it with. After much deliberating over should I or should't I paint it, I bit the bullet and went with my gut feeling and painted it. I'm so glad I did, it looks so much better don't you think?



The surface of the dresser was a bit of a mess, before it came to us I think it had lived in garage for a while and had some staining on the work top surface, and peeling  varnish, so I gave it a good sand down and then painted two coats of Annie Sloan Old white all over, one  coat of Graphite on the work top area,  and just finished off with a coat of Annie Sloan clear wax.   

All that I need now are some new handles to finish it off, I spotted some a while back at my local garden centre but unfortunately they now don't have enough of them, so am now looking at the Bombay Duck site as they have a good selection to choose from, here are the main contenders below which I think might go well, but there are a whole lot more to choose from if you want to take a look here.  But from the ones that I have picked out below which ones do you think would look the best, because I can't decide...

Images of handles Bombay Duck

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