
18 March 2014

To wallpaper or not....

I've been tinkering in my office/craft room the last couple of days, if you followed my previous blog you may remember that I had plans to turn the kids bedroom (all grown up now and moved out) into my office, but when we started we found that there had been a leak under the carpet creeping in from the bathroom next door, so we had to address that problem before doing anything else to my office.  Now that the bathroom is leak proof (though not quite finished) I'm now turning my attention to decorating the office, and I'm considering wallpapering at least one wall, so to give me an idea of what it might look like I tried taping a sample of paper to the wall and taking a few different photos to see how it looks.   


This would be my view as I sit at my laptop, stretching along the longest wall in the room.

 And this is the view if I paper the wall to the side of my desk, on the shortest wall


This Bookcase wallpaper is available from B&Q and is quite fitting as all the books printed on the paper have an interiors and decorating theme to them.


  1. How's the plan for your office coming along? It would be nice to have a spacious home office where you can work at your own pace right? By the way, what was the cause of the leak? Damaged pipes is of the most common reasons of leaks. However, a leak if not fixed right away, can lead to interior damage. Kudos to you for having it checked!

    Monica Ryan

    1. The leak was caused by a mix of the tiles coming away from the wall, and the u bend under the bath leaking, Its been 20+ since the old on was put in so long over due a refurb. Every thing is time and money though. Still deciding on the wallpaper for the office tough.

    2. It’s nice to know that you readily found the cause of leak. I know you’ll need to allot some time and money for the repairs, but I hope you’ll be able to finish it as soon as possible. The leak might not only damage your office wall; it might weaken the foundation of the house as well. Moreover, it might be the cause of molds in your house. Keep us updated with these repairs. Have a good day!

      Gregg Weir @ Capital Plumbing & Heating


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