
19 March 2014

Urban Jungle with Herbs

This Month I'm joining the Urban Jungle Bloggers,  a monthly series hosted by 2 bloggers: Igor (Happy Interior Blog) and Judith ( and because its spring and I love cooking with them, I'm adding some fresh smelling herbs around the house. 
 Even if you don't have a huge space at home, you can had a few herbs to a window sill or sunny spot around your house or flat, and the great thing about herbs is that they smell so nice and as I mentioned you can cook with them too.  My favourite and most used in cooking is rosemary, I like to add a few sprigs to my roast dinners on a sunday for extra flavour, and I also like to make a rosemary and tomato soup,which tastes great.  

I've only recently started growing mint, and have been adding some to smoothies in the morning for breakfast as it is said to be good for the digestion, and full of vitamins and minerals, perfect for a spring pick me up. 

All photography and styling Samantha Stansbridge.

Urban Jungle Bloggers is a monthly series hosted by 2 bloggers: Igor (Happy Interior Blog) and Judith ( Every month they share ideas to create an Urban Jungle through styling ideas, DIYs and green tips & tricks. To find out more about Urban Jungle Bloggers and how you too can join in, visit Urban Jungle Bloggers on Facebook.


  1. Samantha, I love your fresh and airy styling with herbs. I can almost smell them:-) I agree that herbs are not only practical and good for cooking but also make a beautiful visual statement - even on a coffee table when styled up! Thanks for joing us!

    1. Thank you Igor, I'm enjoying seeing all the different ways of styling with plants.

  2. Me too, I can almost smell them here! Hmmm! Your herbs look so healthy and nice in this beautiful spring sun! Beautiful! I once owned a little mint plant too and after a season in my windowsill I decided to plant it in my mini vegetable garden outside. Never should have done that, because the roots grow SO fast and a few months later my entire garden was filled with mint (and roots). It smelled amazing though ;) Thanks for being an Urban Jungle bloggers, Samantha!

    1. I have mint just starting to regrow out in the garden from last summer, just as well I decided to keep it in pots! Thanks for the tip. :-)


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