
24 April 2014

Urban Jungle Bloggers, Three ways with window sills.


This months Urban Jungle Blogger post is all about  window sills and balconies.  As I don't have a balcony I'm using the space on the window sill in the living room to try out three different looks using a few props and plants from around the house.
  • Look No. 1. Using a few books piled on top of one another to create a bit of extra colour and interest. 
  • Look No. 2. grouping with other vases or jars.
  • Look No. 3. Using a wooden tray to contain and frame.
Personally I like the use of books in creating  a little vignette, but as we get direct sunlight all day long on this window sill,  I don't want to risk my book covers getting faded by the sun, and the orchid wouldn't survive either in the heat, so the one that works best for me is No. 2 grouping with vases and jars.

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  1. Wonderful windowsill vignettes! I like all of them. I particularly like the combination with the books but I also love the big glass bottle/vase. Thank you for joining us!

  2. Like Igor; I think I prefer the styling with the books as well. It gives just a little bit more height to the plants, so that they can get the most out of the sunshine. But it's true that's it's a little risky with the sun fading your book covers and when you spill water when watering your greens... Thanks for playing along with us this month, Samantha!

  3. Hi Samantha, nice to meet you through UJB! That's a lovely windowsill of succulents you've got going there with the most beautiful windows behind to offset it. Mel

  4. Thank you guy's, let hope for some sunny weather now to shine in through those windows!

  5. Hi Samantha, what great styling for this Urban Jungle blogger post! I really enjoyed seeing all three styles. I love the panelling on your window also, the succulent looks so great against it! xD

    1. Thank you, yes we live in an old cottage dating back to the 1800's and the window are old fashioned sash windows, a pain to keep clean, but add lovely charm and character to the house. :-)


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