
21 October 2015

22 Signs you are Addicted to Decor

Images found on Pinterest. obviously.. 

Okay, so here's a bit of light-hearted fun for a wet Wednesday afternoon, (I got sidetracked on the Dulux Website)   how many of these can you answer yes to?  

1 Your extensive colour vocabulary is awe-inspiring, so much so that friends have stopped asking you what colour something is in fear of getting a full-colour history/chemistry lesson.

2 Your whole house is colour coordinated, and sometimes you dress to match your decor.

3 You have more cushions on your sofa then you know what to do with

4 You can spot a design classic at 50 paces, and probably either aspire to own at least  one or very proud to own at least one.

5 You can spot a design  fake at 100 paces and are  very self-righteous about not owning one, but secretly do in fact own one.

6 Your salary is more likely to go towards furniture and things for the home than items for yourself like clothes.

7 You never use the overhead lighting in your home – it’s all about mood lighting.

8 And exposed industrial-style filament bulbs make you giddy with delight.

9 You base your cosmetic choices solely on how well they match your dressing table or bathroom cabinet.

10 Your idea of a fun day out is a trip to Ikea.  (oh yes baby)

11 You take pride in pointing out exactly where the wallpaper on that new TV show was sourced from.

12 You can’t resist buying mismatched china/cutlery/glassware from charity shops and markets.

13 Your re-arrange one room in your home at least once a week.

14 You aspire to have at least one exposed brick wall in your home.

15 You have a terrarium, and know what to do with it.

16 You have an ever growing list of interior/decor/design blogs that you follow.

17 and you write your own blog.

18 You were dip-dying your curtains way before anyone else.

19 Your home has at least one surface covered in blackboard paint.

20 You always know the colour/interior trends before any of your friends do, mush to their amusement.

21 You spend a scary amount of time on Pinterest, twitter, Instagram, and it's usually the first things you check on waking in the morning.

22 You have a wall of cluster frames to display your artwork and photos.

How did you do, do you need therapy then, yeah, me too...

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