
19 October 2015

5 DIY Projects to Try.

My mind is in the mood for some DIY, but sadly my body has other plans, I'm on my 3rd round of antibiotics for a mysterious thing going on with my ear, apparently I have developed a bulge in my ear canal, but the Doctor is not sure what is going on, so I have been feeling pretty rubbish over the weekend, but I found these DIY project here and there which I fancy having a go at, at some point.   Follow the links listed to find the tutorials. 

Pegboard Shelf.

Simple DIY leather strap shelf.

Magazine Rack

Breakfast Tray

Ladder shelf


  1. Love all the DIYs, especially the Leather Strap Shelf. I was wondering if I could do it with my broken Timing Belt (Of course after colouring it).
    P.s I have mentioned you in my list of Best Home Decor Blogs to Follow-

    1. ah, thank you so much. some good reads in the lists, i'll be sure to tweet them. :-)

  2. Loving this quirky shelving! The strap shelf has to be the winner in this in terms of creativity, but the flexibility of the peg shelf is a close second!

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