
29 February 2016

Tips on Staying and Thinking Young.

I'll let you into a little secret, I just turned 39 for the 10th year running!  (can't even bring myself to type it out loud so I'm going with the 39 option)  and to be perfectly honest I'm a little freaked out by it because I know what's coming next year!   But I'm proactive on the whole subject and  I'm not going to let a number rule how I feel and act so here are my top tips for staying and thinking young, and a few items on my wanted list.
  • Keep your wardrobe current without dressing like your teenage daughter,  but spend a little extra money on items that are a good cut to flatter the body, update with accessories, belts are going to be big this spring, and can give an outfit a whole new look. 
  • Keep fit, exercise is good for mind and body, I've recently joined Curves Gym, and a couple of 30-minute sessions throughout the week is just perfect for me. 
  • Invest in some good skin care, creams, lotions and potions, I'm a big fan of Garnier ultra-Lift, but I've also started using the Super Restorative Remodelling serum by Clarins for a bit more anti-aging help, I apply them both together as I like the extra moisture that I seem to get by adding the ultra-Lift as well.
  • Follow a healthy diet, you can't feed a 40+ body with the crap a 20 or even 30  something body can get away with and still get away with it.  Sugar is the enemy, if you find you are carrying   a few extra pounds, cut out added sugar, my biggest weakness is tea, to which I was adding two spoons of sugar! I've cut right back to just a half spoon and lost a stone in weight. 
  • Expand your mind, learn new things and although I hate to say this, push yourself out of your comfort zone from time to time, you never know what you might learn or where it will take you, this is good advice if your children are all grown up and no longer need you, fill the empty nest syndrome with something for you for a change.
Be fabulous what ever your age! have a great day. 


  1. Style Space and stuff is a home and lifestyle blog focusing on fashion interiors food decor and DIY. Aimed a being budget friendly it is all about creating a lifestyle that is kind to your pocket but equally stylish and trendy.

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  3. Thank you ! Your part of the world must be beautiful, Jamaica wow.


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