
28 February 2016

Sunday Styling.

 Photography and styling Samantha Stansbridge

I bought this little white table ages ago for a tenner  from a hairdresser in town who had advertised it on a Facebook selling page, a scented oil burner had sat dripping its contents onto the table acting like paint stripper, and had left a huge round mark on it, and it has been sitting in the living room ever since with a strategically placed flowerpot on it, up until now that is, I finally got around to sanding it off (actually, I left the sanding to my dad who has a workshop full of  industrial-size power tools and could do it in a fraction of the time it would have taken me do) and giving it a repaint with some Farrow and Ball All white Eggshell paint.  This just left me the job of playing Sunday afternoon stylist while dinner cooked! 

1 comment:

  1. Style Space and stuff is a home and lifestyle blog focusing on fashion interiors food decor and DIY. Aimed a being budget friendly it is all about creating a lifestyle that is kind to your pocket but equally stylish and trendy.


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