
2 April 2016

Granola Dust Pancakes and Warm Fruit Smoothie.

Do you like fruit smoothies for breakfast? I often make them from frozen fruits blitzed up in the blender, which makes them super cold and can give you a bit of a brain freeze if you drink them down too quick. The warm fruit smoothie came about by accident really, while trying to make a kind of warm berry sauce for my pancakes one morning, I heated up some smoothie in a pan, and what was left I just drank down not wanting to tip it down the sink, and that's when I discovered the warm smoothie. It's a bit like a fruit tea, but with a smoothie texture, and is a gentle wake up for the tummy on cold mornings!

Photography and styling Samantha Stansbridge

Granola Dust 

I blitz up in my Nutri bullet blender using the miller blade
Co-op wheat free porridge oats or Muesli 

A mix of Co-op mixed seeds and dried goji berries and apricot 
Dried raisins or any other 
dried fruit.

Pour into a flip top jar.

Granola Dust Pancakes

Makes about four little ones
Blitz up
Two heap tablespoons of Granola dust 
one egg
one medium banana
splash of milk to loosen adjust accordingly.
Cook on a medium heat, don't turn over too soon or they break up.

Fruit Smoothie
I like to use
One banana
half a green apple
A couple of  scoop of frozen berries, 
I like the forest fruit blend.
coconut water
topped up with
Nina's Save cold pressed Super Blue Juice.

For a warm smoothie just heat gently in a pan.

The warm fruit smoothie also makes a great dipping sauce for pancakes too.
All Photography and styling Samantha Stansbridge

My Granola dust and  pancakes are a variation on the Jamie Oliver ones in his latest book, Everyday Super Food, which I love,  his recipe for the pancakes is easy to miss, I thought I had discovered this first until I came across the recipe after  flicking through the book one day, you can find it on page 18 if you have it. 

1 comment:

  1. Style Space and stuff is a home and lifestyle blog focusing on fashion interiors food decor and DIY. Aimed at being budget friendly it is all about creating a lifestyle that is kind to your pocket but equally stylish and trendy.


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