
4 April 2016

No Brainer Super

Photography and styling Samantha Stansbridge

Today's Monday Must Haves is dedicated to all you Mums,  Dads, willing friends  or relatives  out there that are doing the half term babysitting duty, and after running around after the little darlings all day you are totally brain dead and in need of a quick no-brainer idea for dinner.  

Having spent the day today looking after a 5-year-old and walking  another friends dog down at the beach, I have to admit to being a bit shall we say, knackered!  And trying to think up a Monday must have when I haven't got anything prepared is well beyond me at the moment, and I'm hungry so having just checked out my Instagram, I'm sharing this simple dinner that I shared a while ago on Instagram.  Enjoy! 

Quick No Brainer super

Potato wedges or oven chips
sprinkled  in mixed dried herbs
olive oil,
garlic salt
 parmesan cheese 

Served with either 
A piece of Salmon, 
with a squeeze of lemon
 chicken drum sticks, 
or spare ribs,  
little olive oil
Wrap fish  in tin foil
and bake on a tray with potatoes wedges.

Serve with salad
and a chilled 
glass of wine.  :-)

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