3 January 2014

Stencil on a star.

I'll be  pulling some of my favourite posts from my old blog over the next few days, and first up on my list is this simple little DIY project that I spotted  one wet and windy weekend on here, via here, its so simple yet very effective. You will need a black permanent marker, double sided sticky tape, and a star stencil. 

Save this one and print off on an A4 piece of paper.

* Cut out star with a craft knife to create the stencil
* Edge the star with double sided sticky tape.
* Position the star on surface  then with a marker fill in 
 the exposed area.

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  1. These would be so sweet for Christmas.

  2. So cute. Where did you get the wicker bag?
    Really like your new look Samantha :)

    1. I bought the basket from a French market back in the summer.


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