Short bread biscuit

A little while ago I stumbled across a recipe for short bread biscuits on this blog, and to be perfectly honest it was actually  the lovely photography  of them that caught my attention, but then I had a go and realized just how easy they are to bake, and since then I have been impressing family and friends with them on  a regular basis, who have since  been requesting   the recipe, so, so as not to disappoint them, here it is.  (For a slightly different alternative  and larger quantity see here also)

You will need:

150 g Plain Flour
100 g Butter
50 g Sugar. (you can adjust this if you find it too sweet)

What to do
  • Preheat your oven to about 150 °C (this depends on the make of oven) 
  • Cream the sugar and butter together, then mix in the flour to resemble bread crumbs, it should all then come together to form a dough, 
  • Turn out and knead for a few minutes until the dough is lovely and smooth looking. 
  • Roll out on a well floured surface, about 4 mm thickness, then use a cutter in the desired shape to cut out your biscuits, place on some greased baking paper on a tray and bake for 7-10 mins. The biscuits should be turning a  light golden colour at the edges. 
  • Take out of the oven  and sprinkle with castor sugar, then  cool. 
  • Then if you can resist the urge to eat them as they are, decorate, or as I did with the ones below, whip up some butter icing and sandwich together, as requested by my Hubby.   

1 comment :

  1. just made these and they are divine ! Thank you xxx


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