6 April 2016

5 Tips for Getting Your Wardrobe Ready for Spring with Shein.com

1. Stripe long sleeve top (I just bought this) 2Aviator glasses  3On trend bomber jacket   4. Tan Faux leather jacket  5 On Trend Pyjama Top blouse (so pretty)  6. Comfy baggy drapey striped blouse (I just bought this)

The longer days, sunshine and promise of warmer weather are luring me out of my winter wear, I've been going through my wardrobe, packing away items that I'm probably not going to wear again until next autumn, and I've been checking out the Shein Website to find some great deals for updating my spring wardrobe without breaking the bank, swapping out heavier jumpers for long sleeve tops and blouses that can still layer up under lighter jumpers, adding some on trend items and some old favourites.

Heres' my tips for getting ready for spring.

1. Arm yourself with some air tight bags for storing winter stuff away, also great for wool jumpers so that moths don't get to them over the spring summer time.

2 Go through your winter wardrobe sorting things into three piles, A worn to death  throw away, B transitional pieces keep in wardrobe, C Still got plenty of life but pack away for next Autumn.

3. Next, pull out all your items from last spring/summer, make three piles, A worn out throw away, B So last, last season donate to charity, C Needs fixing or  cleaning.  Put everything else you are happy with, in your wardrobe.

4. Make a list of things that need replacing ready for summer, such as essential little vest tops and t-shirts for layering.

5. Get some fashion magazines and check out what's trending for the spring, such as the cute little Bomber jacket, or the PJ Blouse above, then head on over to Shein.com to check out some Awesome Deals.!

Tips for Shopping on Shein.com, firstly, check out the sizing chart and measurements, the clothes tend to run small, second, check out reviews if available. 

Affiliate post with Shein.com


  1. Style Space and stuff is a home and lifestyle blog focusing on fashion interiors food decor and DIY. Aimed at being budget friendly it is all about creating a lifestyle that is kind to your pocket but equally stylish and trendy.

  2. Have your items arrived from Shein.com yet? would love to see what they look like! :-)

    1. No not yet, but expecting them any day soon. The site has a great little tracking button so you can follow the delivery along the way.


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